You know the old saying, "Spend time and money shopping for the perfect gift, and the kid just wants the box?" Well, we are going on a week solid with my girls ONLY wanting to play with the stupid dishwasher box! And it is destroyed. The darn box takes a lickin' and just keeps on kickin'.
We were having two eighth graders over to watch the girls Friday night, and the box had about had it so I was going to sneak it out to recycle. Well, the girls beat me to my house before I got it out, wanted to know what the box was for. Chris told them it was broken and they asked for packing tape. Are you freaking joking me? They taped the box and my girls played in it half the night. The thing just won't go away. But, my girls have played better with that box than they do with anything else right now, so I'm just gonna let the girls play with it. It's like a cat with 9 lives, but I think it's about on it's 8th life. Bye bye box!
Nice pictures
Posted by: affordable bunk beds | December 11, 2009 at 01:18 AM